The UK Vision Strategy Leadership Group has published its report Shaping the Future, following a six month evaluation and consultation project in the eye health and sight loss sectors.

The report includes:

  • Views on the progress made towards the UK Vision Strategy Outcomes 2013-2018
  • The country context: the key challenges and successes of the Strategy specific to England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
  • Recommendations to shape future collaborative work, including both what future work could focus on and how it could be delivered.

The VK Vision Strategy Group is chaired by Fazilet Hadi, Director of Engagement at RNIB.  More information about the group can be found here.

The report itself is available at

Yesterday, 10th January 2017, the Government announced further funding to support implementation of the SEND reforms.

This relates to Parent Carer Forums and Independent Supporters.

The details are available at:

Today the Department for Education has published seven Invitations to Tender for contracts to support special educational needs (SEN) and disability in 2017-18.

The seven contracts will provide total funding of up to £4,812,000 in 2017-18. They are open to voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprises and others bidding on a not-for-profit basis.

Information can be found on the Contracts Finder website (

The Invitations to Tender cover:

Proposals should be submitted to the Department by 10am on Monday 30 January 2017.

Questions about the process can be submitted until 9 January 2017 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Answers to all questions will be available on Contracts Finder by 16 January 2017.

DSG (Dedicated Schools Grant) announcement

The 2017 to 2018 dedicated schools grant (DSG) allocations have been issued today.

High Needs/SEND

The 2017 to 2018 DSG allocations are based on the 2017 to 2018 funding tables published in July 2016 which set out local authority baselines, adjusted to reflect recent spending patterns and the transfer of £125m from the post-16 budget to the high needs block for high needs places in further education institutions. In addition, an uplift to the high needs block of £130m (2.28%) is being made available across local authorities. The high needs uplift is distributed on the following basis:

  • £95.3m allocated across authorities on the basis of 2-18 year old population
  • £34.7m by growth in the 2 to 18 population between 2016-17 and 2017-18 in each local authority based on the latest population projections

Edward Timpson, Minister for vulnerable children and families, wrote to local authorities on 20 December (see his letter pdf here ) confirming special educational needs and disability (SEND) implementation grant (new burdens) funding of £40m for 2017 to 2018, an increase of £4.2m on 2016 to 2017. (See the grant determination letter pdf here ).The funding is to continue to support transition to the new system for SEND and to support local authorities to make effective plans for this important final year of the transition.

The government has also allocated a High Needs Strategic Planning Grant totalling £23million to LAs, to enable them to carry out strategic reviews of high needs provision. Further information and guidance on how to carry out this review and planning work, and on implementing the plans, are contained in chapter 4 of the high needs national funding formula consultation document.

Early in 2017, the Department for Education (DfE) will also announce money for wider support, including independent supporters and parent carer forums.

'The Secretary of State made an announcement about primary assessment yesterday that will be of interest to all those whose work affects pupils with SEND in primary schools. We set out details below, and would be grateful if you could forward this information to anyone with a particular interest in SEND. We have included further detail about the recommendations to the Government of the independent Rochford Review, including on the future of P Scales, on which we will consult early next year.

The full announcement can be accessed at: It includes the following text:

I am setting out steps to improve and simplify assessment arrangements. First, we have worked closely with the profession to improve the guidance for the moderation of teacher assessment. It is important that we have a consistent and reliable approach across England. This new guidance will be accompanied by mandatory training for local authority moderators. Second, the key stage 1 grammar, punctuation and spelling test will remain non-statutory for schools this year, with tests available for teachers to use if they choose. Third, we will not introduce statutory mathematics and reading resits on children’s arrival in year 7. Rather, we will focus on the steps needed to ensure a child catches up lost ground. High-quality resit papers will be made available for teachers to use if they wish, as part of their ongoing assessments. In addition, we will introduce a targeted package of support to make sure that struggling pupils are supported by teachers to catch up in year 7.

Whilst the steps set out above will make improvements in the current academic year, we also need to now set out a longer term, sustainable approach. Early in the new year we will launch a consultation on primary assessment and the implications for accountability. This will cover key issues, including the best starting point to measure the progress that children make in primary school, and the role and operation of teacher assessment. Whilst we take time to consult on assessment arrangements, the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile will remain in place for the 2017 to 2018 academic year.

Last year, the Government commissioned Diane Rochford to lead an expert review into the assessment of pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum tests and to make recommendations that ensure they have the opportunity to demonstrate attainment and progress at primary school. I am grateful for the work of Diane Rochford and her team and we are publishing their report today. Its recommendations will also form part of the consultation.

I look forward to engaging with parents, teachers and unions on these issues in the coming months.

Amongst the developments here that will be of particular relevance to pupils with SEND is the publication of the Rochford Review’s report. Further details of this are set out at the bottom of this message from DfE SEN Implementation Unit.<

The group’s recommendations to Government will be of interest to anyone involved in the use of P scales, so please do draw the issuing of the report and the Government’s intention to consult on the recommendations in it to the attention of relevant colleagues.

Please note that currently schools should continue to use the pre-key stage standards and P scales for the statutory assessment of pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum tests, pending decisions to be taken following the consultation early in the new year.

The September 2016 edition of the 0-25 SEND Newsletter, produced by the Department for Education can be downloaded pdf here .

The link below is the launch to the government’s proposals aimed at delivering a fairer funding system for nurseries, preschools and childminders. The aim is that this will help support families with the cost of childcare.

The new SEND Review Guide produced by the London Leadership Strategy as part of the DfE workforce contract for 16/17, has been launched.

The guide features a ministerial foreword from Edward Timpson and is available to download at