- Written by: Lindsey Rousseau
July 2019 Newsletter
Welcome to the July 2019 edition of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Behaviour, Attendance, Exclusions and Alternative Provision Newsletter. In this Newsletter, we are focusing on:
Restraint guidance and consultation
Bercow: Ten Years On – 1st Anniversary Update
Further Education and Training Centres for Excellence in SEND
Teaching online safety in schools guidance
Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education Guidance
Assistive technology and EdTech
NHS Long Term Plan Implementation Framework
Development opportunities and resources
SEND Casework Award – training and accreditation for local authority SEND staff
SENCO Induction Pack
Launch of Young Epilepsy Guide
- Written by: Brian Lamb
The DfE published new SEN figures on 4th July 2019. They are available at https://assets.publishing.
- Written by: Ian Noon
DfE have launched a new Hungry Little Minds campaign around the home learning environment
Their press release can be found here:
The new Hungry Little Minds website for parents can be found at:
- Written by: Lindsey Rousseau
- The launch by the PM yesterday of a new cross-Government initiative to tackle injustices faced by disabled people in the workplace, at home and in the community. Here is the press release:
- The current Call for Evidence on character and resilience (deadline 11.45 pm on 5 July):
- The publication of the final RSHE statutory guidance:
- Written by: Ian Noon
NDCS have produced some information for parents about the Equality Act and how it applies to education. It can be accessed through this link:
- Written by: Lindsey Rousseau
- Written by: Lindsey Rousseau
A useful SEND resource, recently published as part of the Whole School SEND contract for DfE, is available for SENCOs in schools through this link to the SEND Gateway:
- Written by: Lindsey Rousseau
UCL Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE) have recently published two reports as part of their work in the Whole School SEND Consortium: one on the demands, drivers and supply for SEND-related, school-based continuing professional development (CPD) and on effective SEND practice in initial teacher training (ITT). Both of these reports can be download for free:
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