Folder Supporting the achievement of deaf children in...

Supporting the achievement of deaf children in...

A series of resources about how best to support deaf children in different educational settings


pdf 01. Supporting the achievement of hearing impaired childen in early years settings Popular


Who is this resource for?

This resource is for anyone working with children with a hearing impairment in any early years setting, including:

  • nursery
  • playgroup
  • parent and toddler group
  • creche
  • pre-school
  • short break settings
  • at home, if you are a childminder.

Staff in these settings will have valuable childcare experience that will benefit deaf children, although deaf children also have specific needs that are different from hearing children.

This resource aims to help you:

  • understand the needs of a deaf child
  • make sure the environment and activities in your early years setting are accessible for deaf children
  • enable the deaf child to make progress towards achieving early learning goals, particularly in the area of language development
  • make sure any hearing technology used is working to its maximum potential
  • know where to go for extra support
  • ensure that your provision can effectively meet the needs of deaf children.

82 pages

(PDF Format, A4)

pdf 02. Supporting the achievement of deaf childen in primary schools Popular


Who is this resource for?

This resource is for anyone who works with deaf pupils in a primary school. We hope that this guidance will make it easier to ensure that your deaf pupils feel fully included and any gaps in attainment with hearing children are closed. It should help school staff:

  • understand the needs of deaf children
  • make sure the environment is suitable for deaf children's needs
  • ensure the necessary support and learning strategies are in place so that lessons are fully accessible
  • make sure any hearing technology used is working to its maximum potential
  • enable deaf children to feel fully included in all areas of their school life
  • know where to go for advice.

114 Pages, A4

(PDF Format)

pdf 03. Supporting the achievement of deaf children in secondary schools Popular


Who is this resource for?

This resource is for anyone who works with deaf pupils in a secondary school. It provides guidance on ensuring that:

  • teaching strategies engage deaf pupils in learning, enabling them to develop key skills in communication, reading, writing and mathematics deaf pupils make sustained progress, to narrow attainment gaps compared with other pupils
  • the curriculum provides positive experiences for deaf pupils, offering well-organised, imaginative and effective opportunities for learning and a broad range of experiences that contribute to their achievement and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Deafness is not a learning disability and, given the right support, deaf pupils can make the same progress as hearing pupils of similar cognitive ability.

136 pages

(PDF Format, A4)

Revised Jan 2016

pdf 03a. Supporting the achievement of deaf children in Secondary Schools - A summary Popular


Short, 2 page summary leaflet based on 03. above

(PDF Format, A4)

February 2016

pdf 04. Supporting the achievement of deaf young people in further education Popular


The aim of this resource is to help staff in further education to:

  • make effective provision for deaf students so that they make good progress and develop the independent learning and life skills they will need in adulthood
  • prepare deaf students effectively for the range of different pathways after further education including higher education, apprenticeships and employment
  • take the reasonable steps required under the Equality Act (2010) (or the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) in Northern Ireland) to ensure that deaf students are not treated less favourably than other students.

This resource will achieve this by:

  • explaining the implications of deafness on language and learning
  • providing advice on how to help a deaf student make a successful transition both into college and beyond
  • describing the measures college staff can take to enable a deaf student to succeed.

76 Pages A4

(PDF Format)

pdf 05. Supporting the achievement of hearing impaired children in special schools Popular


  • This resource will be useful for anyone who works with deaf pupils in a special school. It will help you to improve outcomes and progress for deaf children and covers the following topics.
  • Understanding deafness and how it impacts on a child's ability to access teaching and learning.
  • Ensuring the effective use of hearing equipment.
  • Creating a good listening and learning environment.
  • Knowing how to communicate effectively with a deaf child 
  • Adapting teaching and learning strategies to ensure the curriculum is accessible.

This resource will outline practice, strategies and advice that will improve communication for everyone and therefore benefit all children in your school. 

Throughout the resource, we have included case studies that show different ways that deaf children with additional needs have been supported by special schools.

No two children with additional needs are the same. However, you may be able to identify strategies from these case studies to support a child you are working with. The child�s peripatetic Teacher of the Deaf or local specialist educational support service for deaf children can also support and advise you.

64 pages, A4

(PDF Format)

pdf 06. Supporting the achievement of deaf young people in higher education Popular


Deaf people can work in a wide range of roles and sectors and higher education is a popular route for deaf young people who need a degree to work in their chosen field.

It is  therefore important that staff working in these settings understand deaf young people's needs and have strategies to meet them, so that they get the most out of higher education.

This resource will help higher education staff to support deaf students to achieve in higher education. It has been developed by the National Deaf Children's Society with support from the Consortium of Higher Education Support Services for deaf students (CHESS), The Ear Foundation and the National Sensory Impairment Partnership..

The resource will help staff in higher education to:

  • make sure that deaf students have the support they need to make good progress, take advantage of the opportunities of higher education and successfully complete their studies
  • take the reasonable steps required under the Equality Act 2010 (or the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) in Northern Ireland) to make sure that deaf students are not treated less favourably than other students.

PDF Format

A4, 40 pages