Folder Better Assessments (including model EHC Plans)

NatSIP Documents for Better Assessments, Better Plans and Better Outcomes in preparation for Education, Health & Care Plans.

This section contains:

  • Assessment Frameworks
  • NatSIP model EHC plans for Ruby, Robert, Rosie, Eva, Hannah, Chloe, Raj, James, Steven and Daniel.
  • Assess-Plan-Do-Review documents other than briefings.  (APDR briefings are Folder here ).
  • EHC Plan documents
  • Vision Impairment Specific Independence Outcomes document, and the associated tracking tool.

Briefing Notes for Parents on Contributing to an EHC Plan (HI, VI, MSI) are here .


Folder Model EHC Plans

This section contains:

  • NatSIP Model EHC plans for Ruby, Robert, Rosie, Eva, Hannah, Chloe, Raj, James, Steven and Daniel.


document 01. NatSIP assessment framework ALL SI Popular


Updated (November 2016) Better assessments, better plans, better outcomes guidance document for all SI.

This resource has been produced to support practitioners in carrying out assessments for Education, Health and Care Plans in England.

Microsoft Word Format

document 02. NatSIP EHCPs assessment framework HI only Popular


Updated (November 2016) Better assessments, better plans, better outcomes guidance document for HI.

This resource has been produced to support practitioners in carrying out assessments for Education, Health and Care Plans in England

Microsoft Word Format

document 03. NatSIP EHCPs assessment framework MSI only Popular


Updated (November 2016) Better assessments, better plans, better outcomes guidance document for MSI.

This resource has been produced to support practitioners in carrying out assessments for Education, Health and Care Plans in England

Microsoft Word Format

document 04. NatSIP EHCPs assessment framework VI only Popular


Updated (November 2016) Better assessments, better plans, better outcomes guidance document for VI.

This resource has been produced to support practitioners in carrying out assessments for Education, Health and Care Plans in England

Microsoft Word Format

document 05. NatSIP Better Plans assessment and information gathering proforma v2 Popular


This template, taken from the framework,  illustrates how those working in education, health or social care could use relevant assessment information to produce an Education, Health and Care Plan that is based on a full understanding of a child or young person's needs and which focuses on improving outcomes.

Microsoft Word Format

document 06. Evaluation of Better Assessments Popular


A short evaluation report which will help NatSIP improve the Better Assessments resource further.

Microsoft Word Format

pdf 11. Better Assessment, Better Plans, Better Outcomes Popular


The Better Assessment, Better Plans, Better Outcomes document, published by NatSIP in February 2013, to support the SEN Pathfinder Pilots.

PDF Format.


document 14. Power point presentation to support Better Assessments Popular


Presentation by Lilias Reary and Lindsey Rousseau to SE7 workshop on Assessments and Plans

Microsoft Powerpoint Format

document 16. Supporting the achievement of deaf children: Assess-Plan-Do-Review Popular


A presentation on the Assess-Plan-Do,Review Cycle for HI young people

Microsoft Powerpoint (PPTX) format with full notes


This presentation can be shared with any education professional who works with deaf children to promote best practice in meeting the needs of deaf children. The presentation does this by setting out the implications of the ‘assess-plan-do-review’ cycle’ for deaf children. 

This presentation has been designed by the NDCS and the NatSIP, using grant funding from the DfE.

You can easily edit or add additional slides to make it relevant to the staff that you are delivering to.

The presentation is aimed at professionals who work in school settings but can be easily adapted to apply to early year settings and colleges.

pdf 17. An analysis of 40 EHC Plans Popular


An analysis of 40 EHC Plans produced by NatSIP Workstream 2A.

(PDF Format)

pdf 18. Writing more effective EHC plans for CYP with SI - a section-by-secton guide Popular


Document vP2 - UYpdated November 2016.

The purpose of this document is to help ensure that Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans written for children and young people with sensory impairments contain the information mandated by the SEND COP 2015.

This will ensure that these children and young people (CYP) have all their needs clearly identified resulting in appropriate provision being defined and then delivered across education, health and social care so that these CYP can achieve better outcomes and, by so doing, improve their life chances.

This document is for all professionals who are:

  • responsible for the overall production of EHC plans for children and young people with sensory impairment
  • required to contribute to EHC plans for children and young people with sensory impairment


document 18a. Writing more effective EHC plans for CYI with SI - Checklist Popular


Updated November 2016.

Completable Checklist as deiscussed in 18 above.

MS Word (.docx) format


pdf Assessing and monitoring of deaf CYP May 2015 Popular


The third edition (Jan 2017) of the NDCS/NatSIP resource Assessing and monitoring the progress of deaf children and young people.

See for more information.

PDF Format

pdf EHC plans factsheet NDCS Popular


Factsheet on Education Health and Care (EHC) Plans for parents from NDCS published January 2015

pdf Vision Impairment Specific Independence Outcomes Popular


Vision Impairment Specific Independence Outcomes

February 2016 Edition

PDF Format

A4, 49 pages

spreadsheet Vision Impairment Specific Independence Outcomes - Pupil Tracking Tool Popular


Vision Impairment Specific Independence Outcomes

February 2016 Edition - Pupil Tracking Tool v5

MS Excel Format