Folder Briefing Documents, Papers and Reports
NatSIP Briefing Documents, Papers and Reports.
- Apprenticeships
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Assess-Plan-Do-Review
- Baseline assessments for HI CYP
- Cambridge County Council - Supporting Autistic and Sensory Impaired Students
- Considerations on the arrival of a refugee family with a child with sensory impairment
- Contributing to an EHC Plan - Briefing Notes for Parents
- Curriculum
- Funding
- Gap Analysis - The availability of specialist sensory impairment support services to support mainstream teachers and ancillary staff
- Guidance for Parents: Funding for Early Years education for children with SI
- Mathematics - a programme to help primary school teachers develop deaf childen's numeracy skills
- Mental Capacity Act
- NatSIP response to the SEND and AP Impmentation Plan - Westminster Hall Debate - 22 March 2023
- Promoting Independence
- Provision of Equipment and Technology
- Podcast Factsheets
- Tactile signing
- Transitions to university for VI YP
- Writing reports for non-specialist audiences - guidance for:
- Audiology professionals
- Eye health professionals
Folder Apprenticeship Briefings
Apprenticeship Briefings
Folder Assess Plan Do Review
NatSIP briefings on applying the assess-plan-do-review cycle to pupils with a hearing impairment
Folder Auditory Processing Disorder
NatSIP Auditory Processing Disorder Briefings
Folder Baseline Assessments
Baseline assessments for reception-aged children: views from special schools and specialist resource provisions for deaf children
Folder Cambridge County Council - Supporting autistic and sensory-impaired students
A version of this document, developed by the sensory impairment team at Cambridgeshire County Council, was circulated on the HoSS (Heads of Sensory Services) Forum in June 2022 as a contribution to the SI community of practice which the HoSS Forum represents.
NatSIP is pleased to endorse this document and offer it a wider circulation.
Folder Considerations on the arrival of a refugee family with a child with sensory impairment
Considerations on the arrival of a refugee family with a child with sensory impairment
Folder Contributing to an EHC Plan - Briefing Notes for Parents
A series of three breifing notes for parents on how to contribute to an EHC plan.
Folder Curriculum Briefings
NatSIP Curriculum Briefings
Folder Funding Briefings
NatSIP Funding Briefings
Folder Future of the Sector Report
The Future of the Sector Report - June 2017
Folder Gap Analysis - The availability of specialist sensory impairment support services to support mainstream teachers and ancillary staff
Gap Analysis - The availability of specialist sensory impairment support services to support mainstream teachers and ancillary staff
Report prepared by Brian Lamb for WSS/DfE
Folder Guide for Parents: Funding of early years education in England for children with sensory impairment
If your child has a sensory impairment you may be able to get additional funding for your child from your local authority so that s/he is able to fully participate in early years education, such as at the local playgroup or nursery or with a childminder.
This briefing paper describes what your child may be entitled to from your local authority.
Folder Jan 2024: The SEND Review - Implications for children with sensory impairment - Briefing paper
Briefing Paper collated by a number of NatSIP Partner organisations in response to the Department for Education document Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan.
Folder Mathematics: A programme to help primary school teachers develop deaf children's numeracy skills
This briefing is about a mathematics programme, published in 2009 by the University of Oxford, which has been found to be effective in improving deaf children’s numeracy. The programme is intended to be used mainly with deaf children aged 5 to 11,
Folder Meeting the needs of children with SI as schools (and colleges) re-open
Briefing note on meeting the needs of children with vision impairment as schools and colleges re-open
July 2020
Folder Mental Capcity Act 2005
This category contains the NatSIP MCA Briefing.
NatSIP's full set of Mental Capacity Act guidance publications is Folder here
Folder NatSIP Response to the SEND and AP Implementation Plan - Briefing for Westminster Hall Debate - 22 March 2023
Folder Podcast Factsheets
Factsheets accompanying NatSIP Podcast Episodes.
Folder Provision of Equipment and Technology Briefings
Provision of Equipment and Technology Briefing Notes
Folder Tactile signing
Briefing Note on Tactile Signing
Folder Transitions to university for visually impaired young people
Briefing Note on transition to university for young people with visual impairment.
Folder What Good Looks Like: Observational Schedule
Published in September 2021
This checklist is designed to be used in both mainstream and special school settings and as a first port of call by non-specialist sensory impairment staff. The aim is to flag areas which require further investigation, attention or support whilst carrying out classroom observations or learning walks.
Folder Writing reports for non-specialist audiences - guidance for...
Writing reports for non-specialist audiences - guidance for:
- Audiology professionals
- Eye health professionals