MoorVision and Optelec are delighted to invite you to the UK's first regional VisionZone South-West Exhibition and Conference for Children and Young People with VI, their families and all professionals working in the field.
When: Wednesday 30th October, 10am - 2pm (Autumn half-term)
Where: The Woolwell Centre, Darklake Lane, Woolwell, Plymouth PL6 7TR
Cost: Free
Join us in meeting national and local exhibitors supporting local vision impaired communities among children, young people and students. Our goal is to connect parent/carers, students, and schools with available resources. Experience hands-on activities and discover various products at our events held in the main sports hall, along with talks and shows in the Bickleigh suite.
- Food, drink and activities for children provided and sponsored thanks to the Powell Family Foundation
- Free Parking on site
- Talks - Support, funding, equipment, education & services
- Sensory Show
Exhibitors include:
Clearvision books, Devon Football Association, Devon Insight, Echo, Empatheyes/Angel Eyes, Guide Dogs, Horizons Sailing, HPI International , Improving Lives Plymouth, In Focus, LOOK, MACS, MoorVision, New College Worcester, Optelec, Plymouth Argyle, Plymouth Sensory Support Team, Positive Eye, RNIB, Royal National College for the Blind, SENSIAS Services , Thomas Pocklington Trust, Ushers Kids, VICTA.
This is going to be an amazing opportunity so please save the date!
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