Excellent sector partnership working has resulted in two lively, informative and well attended Assistive Technology Webinars.

Assistive Technology was identified by VIEW members as a topic in demand, so through collaborative working with RNIB and NatSIP, VIEW were able to host two webinars on Assistive Technology.  These were:

  • Wednesday 17 November 2021 - Assistive Technology - How QTVIs are deciding what assistive technology is suitable for individuals with VI - chaired by Caireen Sutherland, Vice-Chair of VIEW
  • Thursday 25 November 20201 - How are pupils using iPads? - chaired by John Rouse Milligan, Team Leader for Sensory Support, Norfolk County Council

Each webinar had a panel of experienced practitioners and the host fielded pre-prepared and live questions from the 80+ attendees.

The grant from Thomas Pocklington Trust awarded to NatSIP supported both live events and the subsequent resource documents and podcasts, both taken from information shared at the events.