Following NatSIP's sucessful bid to the Thomas Pocklington Trust, NatSIP together with its partner Vision Impairment organisations are launching a new programme:  Building VI Confidence and Competence in the Schools Workforce.

As part of this programme, VIEW, supported by NatSIP, provided new training in the field of assistive technology, with new resources and innovative practices.

VIEW members were invited to join in two live Q & A webinars:

Webinar 1:  Wednesday 17 November 2021, 16:30 -18:00

Assistive Technology Assessments: How are QTVIs deciding what assistive technology is suitable for individuals with VI?

A panel of professionals with an interest in assistive technology for learners with VI, working in different settings, discussed their approaches and answered submitted questions.

Webinar 2:  Thursday 25 November 2021, 16:30 - 18:00

How are VI pupils using iPads?

A panel of VI professionals who have embraced the use of iPads with their VI learners shared their expertise and answered submitted questions.

Thanks to support from the Thomas Pocklington Trust, these webinars were free for VIEW members.

For colleagues who are not able to attend at the time, content from the webinars will be available through the NatSIP and VIEW websites in December 2021.