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NDCS has just published a literature review on careers advice and support available to disabled young people.


This literature review has been done in-house by NDCS research officers. It also includes a discussion around potential gaps in research around deaf young people.

They carried out this literature review to inform a new campaign on careers advice for deaf young people which will be launching next spring. The campaign will be called Deaf Works Everywhere – please watch this space!

On a related note, one important piece of research that NDCS has already commissioned is the READY study, an exciting and ambitious longitudinal study to track the paths taken by deaf young people as they move into adulthood. The researchers are looking for deaf young people in England, Scotland and Wales to participate. Any help that colleagues can offer in encouraging deaf young people to get involved would be hugely appreciated. More information can be found at: https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/thereadystudy/