Folder 2016-10-19 HoSS Conference

Presentations from the HoSS Conference 2016

Wednesday 19 October 2016
Strathallan Hotel



document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Andre Imich's Presentation Popular

By 907 downloads

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HoSS Birmingham Oct 2016 Andre Imich.pptx

André Imich's Presentation

MS Powerpint Format (.PPTX)

document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Brian Gale's Presentation Popular

By 1026 downloads

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191016_Heads of Service Conference BG.pptx

Brian Gale's Presentation

MS Powerpoint Format (.pptx)

pdf 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Lindsey Rousseau's NatSIP Update Popular

By 653 downloads

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NatSIP update for HoSS event October 2016.pdf

Lindsey Rousseau's NatSIP Update
PDF Format

document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Lindsey Rousseau's update on the HoSS Email Forum Popular

By 721 downloads

Download (doc, 155 KB)

HOSS Forum Update October 2016.doc

Lindsey Rousseau's update on the HoSS Email Forum

MS Word Format (.doc)

document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Nicky Ereaut's Presentation Popular

By 749 downloads

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2016-10-19 HOSS Using data to demonstrate service impact in Oxfordshire Handout Nicky Ereaut.pptx

Nicky Ereaut's Presentation

MS Powerpoint Format (.PPT)

document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Nicola Taylor's Presentation Popular

By 953 downloads

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Nicola Taylor's Presentation Northumberland SSS Data Dashboard.pptx

Nicola Taylor's Presentaton

MS Powerpoint Format (.pptx)

Note: Slide 5 of this presentation shows tables from the Northumberland Dashboard.  The slide is intended to be illustrative and the text is small. 

For more details please see the pdf NatSIP QI Support Pack and the spreadsheet Northumberland Dashboard Spreadsheet .

document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Steve Rose's SI Update Popular

By 795 downloads

Download (docx, 178 KB)

Heads of Sensory Services Conference Update - MSI.docx

Steve  Rose's MSI Update

MS Word Format (.docx)


document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Steve Rose's SLH Paper Popular

By 660 downloads

Download (docx, 115 KB)

The Sensory Learning Hub HOSS info.docx

Steve Rose's Sensory learning Hub paper

MS Word Format (.docx)

document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Steve Rose's SLH Questions Paper Popular

By 699 downloads

Download (doc, 182 KB)

Sensory Learning Hub (NatSIP Format) v2 HOSS.doc

Steve Rose's Sensory Learning Hub Questions Paper

MS Word Format (.doc)

document 2016-10-25 HoSS Conference 2016 - Tina Wakefield's Presentation Popular

By 860 downloads

Download (ppt, 1 MB)

HOSS Birmingham Oct 2016 Tina Wakefield.ppt

Tina Wakefield's Presentation

MS Powerpoint Format (.PPT)