
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday on the implementation of  Plan B of the Covid - 19 response: schools and other specialist settings: coronavirus (COVID-19 guidance).  The government is clear on the critical importance of not disrupting the education of children and young people and the government will prioritise keeping all education and childcare settings open. The measures will support this.

The main updates are:

·       updated advice on supporting vulnerable children and young people who are self-isolating

·       updated advice on tracing close contacts and isolation to reflect the forthcoming change to isolation rules

·       updated asymptomatic testing section reflecting that you should encourage visitors to test before coming to your setting

·       updated to reflect the latest language on children who were previously considered to be clinically extremely vulnerable

·       additional section on mandatory vaccine certification 

·       updated workforce section to reflect the latest language on adults who were previously considered to be clinically extremely vulnerable and to reflect the Government recommendation to work from home if you can