
The Summer Term 2020 Edition of the NatSIP Newsletter is now available for download. 

This is without doubt a difficult time for everyone. We hope that you are all keeping well and that the Easter break has given you time for relaxation and reflection.  We are aware that some of your own families and those you support professionally have been affected by the pandemic and we offer our sincerest condolences to those who have lost loved ones.

Within the amazing Sensory Impairment sector we know that services, schools and associated organisations are supporting children, families and other professionals in a variety of ways during this time of adaptation to the coronavirus and we have been closely monitoring the different SI forums for information and advice on what is working within the sector and what problems you are facing. We are also working across the partnership to ensure that any published or updated national guidance we find and can be useful to you is shared. The proactive use of the SI community email forums in sharing ideas and practical examples has been really welcomed and rewarding. It is a privilege to be a member of such a sector.

In the newsletter. we have compiled here a quick NatSIP review of some of the issues you have been raising and the most useful guidance and resources that have been issued to date and circulated so that you can have these in one place.

The newsletter as emailed out had two attachements.  The newsletter and both attachments are available to download: