
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new suite of model service level agreement documents for the provision of education support services for deaf children and young people in a number of different situations:

Also as part of the suite, there is a template specification for the provision of specialist education support services for children with a hearing impairment which could apply to a range of commissioning arrangements, such as provision by the local authority’s in-house service, or a third party such as a private company, another local authority, a social enterprise, a mutual, or a school providing specialist outreach services.

All the documents are available both as accessible PDF files, and as Microsoft Word documents which you can adapt and edit to meet your own needs.They are also adaptable for reference to services for children with MSI and VI.

Our thanks go to NatSIP colleagues at the National Deaf Children's Society who have led the work in developing these documents and to those who contributed through NatSIP working groups.

The suite of documents is available folder here in the NatSIP Document Library.